The Pregnancy Centre is very happy with the recent completion of its exercise base in the Post Pregnancy Section, Levels 1-5 with a real focus on protecting your core areas (the back and pelvis, the abdominals and pelvic floor). It’s nice to be able to provide women with these exercises as we know how important keeping physically active is – it gives a tremendous sense of well-being to the mother and in turn, makes our babies feel happier too. However, we also recognise the importance of a mother’s emotional well-being while keeping up with the demands of motherhood. The Pregnancy Centre this week looks at how parents may be able to get the support they need.
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Phub - The New Parenting Hub Website
We dedicate this week’s newsletter particularly to our mums-to-be and new mums. There are many organisations and groups dedicated to looking after pregnant women and new mums but sometimes it can be hard to know even where to start looking for help. Phub, the new parenting hub website aims to provide a central base for all the information you may be looking for. Dr Melanie Strang’s, one of Phub’s experts is pleased to be able to offer this wonderful compilation of information and services to all parents. We hope you enjoy.
Post Pregnancy |
New Post Natal Exercises
Our new Level 1-5 exercises are now available in the Post Pregnancy section of our website.