Postnatal Exercises
Working with your fitness instructor, physiotherapist, midwife or at home by yourself, this series of Post Natal Exercises will build up your core foundations, step by step.
Progress from one part of the program to the next as you are ready.
The age ranges serve as a guide only.
When you start the program, build up from the beginning, and work through at your own pace, as your body builds its core and inner strength.
Getting started
Level 1 : 0 - 3 weeks
Level 2 : 3 - 8 weeks
Level 3 : 6 - 12 weeks
Postnatal Core and Ball Exercises : Level 1 - 3
For connecting your core to caring for your back use our ebooklets:

Postnatal Back Stretches
Advancing further
Level 4 : 8 - 16 weeks
Postnatal Core and Ball Exercises : Level 4
Level 5 : 16 - 24 weeks
Special Considerations for the Pelvic Floor
There are times when extra attention is needed for the pelvic floor, so we have designed some handout using our insights in this area.
Protecting your Pelvic Floor in Pregnancy and Beyond
When you can't feel your Pelvic Floor.
Some of our Postnatal Pelvic Floor Products.

Photos and models by Fitness, Form and Function and Stuart Frost Photography
For more information about the pelvic floor read The Pelvic Floor Muscles and What are the Pelvic Floor Muscles and what do they do?