Mental/Visual Imagery
Concentration is on a mental image, eg imagining that you are sitting or lying in your favourite outdoor place, and focusing on the sounds around you, what you can see, smell and enjoy. You can imagine that you can visit this favourite place at any time.
You can also be guided by someone's voice through visual imagery relaxation, picturing the images which they describe for you.
Stress Relief Techniques
Sometimes a reminder to do something for yourself can help you cope with the demands of your busy day. Find one thing that you can do for yourself today from this quick list for reducing stress.
Exercise ~ Take a walk. Just getting out of the house into some fresh air can help. Think about your favourite exercise class or activity. Decide when you can fit a session in this week.
Relaxation ~ Try one of the relaxation methods available.
Massage ~ Place your hands behind your neck and gently massage in a circular motion. Move up to the base of your skull and massage here using your fingers.
Have a break ~ Just stop everything for 5 minutes and sit or lie down. It can wait.
Deep breathing ~ Take a slow deep breath in, hold it for a moment and then slowly blow the air out through your mouth. Repeat a few more times with your eyes closed. Try to drop your shoulders down and feel the tension leave your body as you relax your arms and fingers while you breathe out.
Enjoying a bath or spa ~ Spas are not recommended if you are pregnant and baths should be warm not hot.
Going out for a coffee, tea, latte, juice or mineral water
Sipping a cold drink through a straw and taking the time to enjoy it
Reading a magazine.
Getting someone else to prepare you a meal or go out if possible.
Have a change of scenery ~ Get out of the house for a while.
If you haven't found something so far to help, choose your own stress releaser.
Hobbies and Enjoyable Activities
You don’t always need to stop and lie down to relax. Enjoying one of your favourite activities is a good way of using relaxation before, during and after pregnancy.
Although not all women find exercise enjoyable, it is a good stress reliever. To take a walk, swim or cycle or enjoy your favourite activity can provide a change of scenery from the daily routine. It gives the opportunity to take time out from other commitments and burns up excess energy, rather than allowing it to build up as excess muscle tension.
Massage helps to improve the blood flow and relax the muscles. This can be particularly useful around the neck and shoulders, or a full body massage when you are able to have one. This should help you to really relax. Some people enjoy foot massages during pregnancy, and even during labour. Others enjoy their back being massaged during or between contractions to help with the pain of labour.
Learn and use some simple massage strokes (if you have done massage before, then experiment with what strokes you enjoy). You don't need to be an expert for your partner to enjoy massage. There are even massage tools, which can be used, some as simple as a tennis or squash ball being rolled on the back. You can even use these yourself by sitting or lying back on one, positioning it over the area which you would like massaged, then moving your body slightly to change its position. Other wooden and plastic massage tools can be purchased, but make sure you try them out first, as some are better than others.
Touch relaxation
Can encourage or assist moving into a relaxed position when someone applies gentle pressure to a body part, eg the shoulders to let go and drop down relaxed position. This can be useful to practice before labour, to prepare for the touch that you may experience during labour. It also can be a useful method for partners to use to assist relaxation during labour, although it does not suit all women (some women don't like to be touched during labour).
Group Relaxation
There may be a group near you that you can join, to learn and practice relaxation methods. Sometimes this is one really good way to set time aside for yourself. Usually in your Antenatal Classes you should get to practice relaxation to help you to prepare for labour.
Individual benefits by CD's or DVD’s for personal relaxation time
There are many commercially prepared relaxation CD’s or DVD’s that you can buy to use at home, to help you to relax. Try and find some that you enjoy and use them regularly.
Using music to assist relaxation
Music can be used either in the background or as a main focus during relaxation. Use music that will inspire or relax you while you hold and settle your baby. Sometimes babies respond to music that you played often during pregnancy.
The more often you use and practice relaxation the easier it will become to use it at times when you really need it, eg while settling your baby or needing time out for a short break to refresh you. You may not always have time to stop and practice a longer relaxation method, but as you do practice, you will be able to use it during your daily activities more quickly and with less concentration.
When to practice relaxation
When you lie down for a rest ~ before you fall asleep.
While watching television.
While practicing breathing and relaxation in preparation for labour.
Before going to bed.
While sitting in the doctor's waiting room.
During a vaginal examination.
After the birth, while sitting or lying to feed your baby.
Practicing relaxation before or during breast feeding can assist the let down reflex.
Ten more times to use relaxation
At the end of a long day at work or at home.
When sitting to feed your baby or toddler.
After unpacking the groceries from a shopping trip.
When you need a sleep but there is no time.
When there is no one else around and you need some help.
After preparing dinner, so that you can enjoy it when you eat it.
When all the things you are doing to settle your baby aren't working.
When you have too much to do and you don't know where to start.
In between reading your emails or working on the computer.
Those times when you just want to spend some time on yourself.
Relaxation methods to practice: A simple physical relaxation
Sit comfortably and let your shoulders drop down.
Stretch your fingers out and rest back into the chair.
Take a slow deep breath in and then focus on a long steady breath out. Try to empty your lungs as much as possible.
Then breathe normally but each time you do, focus on breathing tension out of your body as you exhale.
Stay here for 1, 2, 5 or 10 minutes depending on how much time you have before your next interruption. Even 1 minute can give you that feeling of the luxury of a little time to yourself.
Cotton wool ball relaxation
Sit down and read this through. Then close your eyes. Try to turn off from all of the things that you have to do, and take a slow deep breath in, hold it for a few moments and then slowly breathe out. Repeat this again four times. Now imagine....
Go into your bathroom and on the bench is a container full of cotton wool balls. These are your cares and responsibilities for the day. Different colours for different ones.
Take out one at a time and put them into the empty jar next to it. Try to put them in one at a time, doing or thinking through each commitment, then leaving it in the jar once done. Only then, take another to do.
Can you move them each day, touching one thing at a time, some more quickly than others, some taking longer and will still be the same tomorrow until completed? Transferring from side to side.
New balls will be added, others discarded once used and done. But you can hold each in the palm of your hand and consider its purpose until done.
Life and motherhood can be overwhelming with responsibilities and demands crying out for your attention. You can only do one thing at a time. If you don't already, write a list so that you can focus on doing one thing until it is completed. Then cross it off or picture moving that cotton ball. Only then, move on to another thing from your list.
Massage Relaxation
This is a longer relaxation for lying down when you do have that little bit of extra time.
Lying down on the floor, couch or bed, let your body go heavy, sinking into the support. Let your legs roll out if you are on your back. If you are on your side check that your legs are resting comfortably. Enjoy the feeling of the weight off your legs being taken from you by the support. They do not need to hold you up at the moment.
Imagine someone massaging your feet, telling them that your feet and legs are tired because you've been on them a lot today, all through the day.
If your calves and lower legs are weary, imagine someone massaging your calves.
Feel the blood flowing back into your legs and feet. As you rest there feel the energy coming back into your body as you gently breathe in and out.
If you still have time, let your arms and head and upper back go heavy. Now imagine someone massaging your neck and shoulders and feel the tightness and tension go from your body. Imagine the blood flow improving from your neck down your arms to your fingertips, and feel your arms being heavy. As you gently breathe in and out, feel the energy coming back into your body.
Now if you actually have someone who could massage your feet and legs and neck and shoulders, convince them of the immense value of this. Tell them where to start (or let them read this as they do the massage) and lay back and enjoy it!
Disclaimer: This article provides general advice only. For individual advice on fitness and exercise suitable for your age, current health and fitness level, please consult your health or fitness professional.
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