From the desk of Dianne (Physio at Peel Maternity and Family Practice/Director of The Pregnancy Centre)
Welcome to The Pregnancy Centre newsletter.
Going back to basics here. Pause for a moment. STOP and check in to the centre of your core.
Where is it?
How does it feel?
How do you feel?
Does your body need a pause button pressed for just a moment or longer?
Linger longer as you pause.
Breathe more deeply. Feel the air flow.
Release on the breath out.
Thank you for listening, to your body.
Pause for moments that come today. Stay there and enjoy them.
Then say "let's go", and move forwards again.
Pre Pregnancy |
Feed Your Brain
Before, during and after pregnancy, nutrition plays a key element for you and your baby.
How much have you thought about Feeding Your Brain through this important time?
With stress playing a part in daily life, more deliberate attention is needed to nurture both our body and brain. Delia McCabe has researched how food influences brain function for the past 20 years. She has a Masters in Psychology and is completing her PhD focusing on nutrition and female stress. She has now written her first book - Feed Your Brain, which can help you and those surrounding you think and feel better with her "7 Steps to a Lighter, Brighter You!".
Pregnancy |
Your Pelvic Floor Muscles
There are many ways to find out more about your pelvic floor muscles. The key now is to do them correctly so if you are unsure, seek further advice from your health or fitness professional. If a problem exists, see a women's health or pelvic floor physio who can do a more detailed check and help you work on any pelvic floor fitness or bladder control issues.
Post Pregnancy |
Postnatal Core and Ball Exercises
Using a ball is a great way to get started with your postnatal exercises, working on your pelvic floor and toning your abdominals without putting pressure on these recovering areas. Here is one of the programs from our website. Seek further advice or get your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles checked if you are having any problems with your technique.